Removal from Preventel

Removal from Preventel

What is Preventel?

Preventel is a database used by mobile phone operators to record individuals who have had significant arrears in paying their bills or who have repeatedly violated the contractual conditions imposed by service providers. It acts as an internal warning system between operators, preventing those registered from entering into new mobile phone contracts until the situation is resolved.


The purpose of this database is to centralize information about customers who have failed to pay their bills on time, accumulated debts, or have been involved in activities considered abusive or fraudulent.


The data in this database, transferred by operators, is used when analyzing the activation of potential new customers.

What are the entries or records in Preventel?

Entries in this database can be made by mobile phone operators in the following cases:

  • Unpaid debts for an extended period;
  • Failure to pay contractual penalties;
  • Repeated violation of contractual terms;
  • Fraud or attempts of fraud related to telephone services.


If you suspect that you have been registered in Preventel, you can request information directly from the mobile phone operator with whom you had the contract. You also have the right to request details about the entry and the reasons for it, in accordance with personal data protection legislation.

How can these entries affect you?

  • Difficulties in signing new contracts: Customers registered in Preventel may face challenges in entering into new contracts with phone operators, who may require financial guarantees or even refuse to sign the contract.
  • Request for financial guarantees: Operators may require additional financial guarantees from customers registered in Preventel to protect themselves against the risk of non-payment.

How can entries and records be removed from Preventel?

One of the controversial aspects of this database is that it can affect even individuals who are not directly responsible for the debts, such as when a tenant accumulates significant debt at an address, and the property owner is recorded in the database.


Removal from Preventel can be achieved through several methods, depending on the reason for the entry:

  • Paying the debt: If you were registered due to a debt, paying it in full and requesting the operator to update the database can lead to your removal from Preventel.
  • Negotiating with the operator: In some cases, you can try to negotiate with the mobile phone operator for an amicable solution, such as installment payments or penalty reductions.
  • Unjustified entries: If the financial institution reported data without legal or contractual grounds.
  • Reporting error: If negative data was transmitted incorrectly or there is an identity mix-up.
  • Request under GDPR regulations: Under personal data protection legislation, you have the right to request the deletion of data from Preventel if it is inaccurate, unjustified, or if the retention period has expired.


We can assist and represent you in this process! Choose positive entries with the most valuable members of your team!

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