law related

Articles or publications

law related

Removal from Preventel

Removal from Preventel

Deletion from the Credit Bureau

Deletion from the Credit Bureau

Fighting against debt collectors

Fighting against debt collectors

Read this article if you are facing lawsuits filed against you for debt recovery or enforcement proceedings for outstanding payment obligations.

We hope you find an answer to your questions.

Welcome to our blog where you can find a collection of detailed legal articles covering a wide range of topics in the field of law. Additionally, we will periodically publish relevant legal solutions and examples from our firm’s professional practice, offering valuable insights into processes and successful cases. We are committed to providing you with up-to-date and relevant legal information, sharing our experience and expertise. Important to note: The "Legal Articles" category refers primarily to case law from Romania (legal decisions rendered by the courts), as well as our opinions on various legal matters. The "Legal Publications" category is dedicated to a detailed study of legal texts, court rulings, and some legal opinions concerning relevant issues that are less frequently analyzed in the online environment. Stay tuned to keep up with the latest news in the legal field.

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